

BCA soon to announce summer events/activities


June 2, 2020 - With the arrival of summer, along with the steady and ongoing easing of restrictions to the state economy, the BCA will soon be releasing its schedule of events and activities for the summer. Like many of the downtown businesses it represents and supports, the BCA has had to scrap a few of its scheduled events for the year, along with making other changes, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A few of those changes include the cancellation of the Washington Street Block Party held in May and postponing other events while staff awaits for guidance from the state regarding outdoor events and public gatherings. The BCA is meeting regularly with township officials to ensure that whatever is proposed is organized and implemented in a manner that ensures public safety. Among the events/activities hoped to be held this summer are a Cruise Night Car Show and Dinner Under the Stars series, obviously modified to account for social distancing and crowd control. The start dates for these two popular events have had to be pushed back given the current situation. Additionally, the organization is looking at creating some new "experiences," including live musical entertainment, outdoor dining, and "virtual programming" highlighting downtown businesses. A schedule with specific dates and event details is expected to be released in the coming weeks, but events and activities will most likely start by end of June/early July and run into the fall.