The Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine is New Jersey's first school of acupuncture. Founded in 1997, it is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM), the organization that sets and maintains the standards for acupuncture schools nationwide. Graduates receive a Certificate in Acupuncture and are qualified to sit for the NCCAOM national board exam, a prerequisite for state licensure.
Our Mission
The purpose of the Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine is to offer professional training, education and services in acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and the traditional healing modalities that enhance the health and well-being of the greater community.
The Clinic
The intern clinic Acupuncture and traditional Oriental healing methods have provided humans with a safe and effective way of dealing with pain, injury and illnesses for thousands of years. Practitioners of western medicine began embracing acupuncture as it has directly demonstrated its value to their patients. In fact, we have trained numerous MD's in acupuncture, noting their desire to better serve the needs of their patients.
One part of the Eastern School's commitment is to serve the community. Under the guidance of the College's licensed clinic supervisors, students treat a diverse population and a wide variety of ailments. This low cost student clinic is open to the public at convenient times. The Clinic also provides third year students with invaluable learning opportunities which include working on-site in veterans hospitals and physical therapy centers through our external program.
To schedule an appointment, please contact us at 973-746-2848
Become the Healer You were Meant to Be
Eastern School graduates have established successful practices and share a sustained sense of satisfaction in their new career. With a master’s degree from ESATM you will gain an appreciation for the philosophy of Oriental medicine and apply your training to elevating the quality of life for so many that cannot find relief through western medicine.
Become the healer you were meant to be. Our graduates look forward to a distinguished life as leaders, innovators, teachers and noted practitioners in Oriental medicine. Your practice can become a rewarding investment for you, your patients and the greater community.
For more information please contact the Director of Admissions, Kelly Williams at 973-746-8717 ext. 11.
Mon; Tue: 9:30am – 9pm
Wed; Thu: 8am – 9pm
Fri: 9:30am – 8pm
Sat: 9am – 5pm
Sun: 8am – 4pm