

Free evening seminar about long-term care planning

The Job Haines Home is proud to offer a free evening seminar focusing on educating our community in the topics of life that matter to them most. We will be discussing areas of long-term care planning, annuity strategies, maximizing social security and IRA planning. Our time together will be interactive so we encourage those with questions to come prepared and ready to learn. Seminar Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2016 Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm Nicholas Panagiotakis CFP. International Planning Alliance Dennis OConnor IV NJLTC Darren J. Mills, Esq., CPA, ChFC, CLU Mills Elder Law LLC TO RSVP OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Donna Plotnick 973-743-0792, EXT. 133


APR 19, 2016
